Month: February 2008

Secret GOP Weapon The Scots-Irish vote.

Secret GOP Weapon
The Scots-Irish vote.
To an outsider George W. Bush’s political demeanor seems little more than stumbling tautology. He utters his campaign message in clipped phrases, filled with bravado and repeated references to God, and to resoluteness of purpose. But to a trained eye and ear these performances have the deliberate balance of a country singer at the Grand Ole Opry.

Speaking in a quasirural dialect that his critics dismiss as affected, W. is telling his core voting groups that he is one of them. No matter that he is the product of many generations of wealth; that his grandfather was a New England senator; that his father moved the family’s wealth South just like the hated Carpetbaggers after the Civil War; that he himself went North to Andover and Yale and Harvard when it came time for serious grooming. And as with the persona, so also with the key issues. The Bush campaign proceeds outward from a familiar mantra: strong leadership, success in war, neighbor helping neighbor, family values, and belief in God. Contrary to many analyses, these issues reach much farther than the oft-discussed Christian right. The president will not win re-election without carrying the votes of the Scots-Irish, along with those others who make up the "Jacksonian" political culture that has migrated toward the values of this ethnic group.

At the same time, few key Democrats seem even to know that the Scots-Irish exist, as this culture is so adamantly individualistic that it will never overtly form into one of the many interest groups that dominate Democratic Party politics. Indeed, it can be fairly said that Al Gore lost in 2000 because the Democrats ignored this reality and the Scots-Irish enclaves of West Virginia and Tennessee turned against him.

Why are the 30 million Scots-Irish, who may well be America’s strongest cultural force, so invisible to America’s intellectual elites? It is commonplace for commentators to lump together those who are descended from British roots into the WASP culture typified by New England Brahmins, or the Irish, who are overwhelmingly Catholic. But it is political nonsense to consider the Scots-Irish as part of either.

The Scots-Irish are derived from a mass migration from Northern Ireland in the 1700s, when the Calvinist "Ulster Scots" decided they’d had enough of fighting Anglican England’s battles against Irish Catholics. One group settled initially in New Hampshire, spilling over into modern-day Vermont and Maine. The overwhelming majority–95%–migrated to the Appalachians in a series of frontier communities that stretched from Pennsylvania to northern Alabama and Georgia. They eventually became the dominant culture of the South and much of the Midwest.

True American-style democracy had its origins in this culture. Its values emanated from the Scottish Kirk, which had thrown out the top-down hierarchy of the Catholic Church and replaced it with governing councils made up of ordinary citizens. This mix of fundamentalist religion and social populism grew from a people who for 16 centuries had been tested through constant rebellions against centralized authority. The Scots who headed into the feuds of 17th-century Ulster, and then into the backlands of the American frontier, hardened further into a radicalism that proclaimed that no man had a duty to obey a government if its edicts violated his moral conscience.

Matched with this rebelliousness was a network of extended family "clans," still evident among the Scots-Irish, built on an egalitarianism that measured a person by their own code of honor, courage, loyalty and audacious leadership. Noted Scottish professor T.C. Smout said it best when he observed that these relationships were "compounded both of egalitarian and patriarchal features, full of respect for birth while being free from humility." They demanded strong leaders, but would never tolerate one who considered himself above his fellows. Andrew Jackson, the first president of Scots-Irish descent, forever changed the style of American politics, creating a movement that even today is characterized as Jacksonian democracy.

The Scots-Irish comprised a large percentage of Reagan Democrats, and contributed heavily to the "red state" votes that gave Mr. Bush the presidency in 2000. The areas with the highest Scots-Irish populations include New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, northern Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, northern Louisiana, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, southern Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and parts of California, particularly Bakersfield. The "factory belt," especially around Detroit, also has a strong Scots-Irish mix.

The Scots-Irish political culture is populist and inclusive, which has caused other ethnic groups to gravitate toward it. Country music is its cultural emblem. It is family-oriented. Its members are values-based rather than economics-based: they often vote on emotional issues rather than their pocketbooks. Because of their heritage of "kinship," they’re strangely unenvious of wealth, and measure leaders by their personal strength and values rather than economic position. They have a 2,000-year-old military tradition based on genealogy, are the dominant culture of the military and the Christian right, and define the character of blue-collar America. They are deeply patriotic, having consistently supported every war America has fought, and intensely opposed to gun control–an issue that probably cost Mr. Gore both his home state of Tennessee and traditionally Democratic West Virginia in 2000.

The GOP strategy is heavily directed toward keeping peace with this culture, which every four years is seduced by the siren song of guns, God, flag, opposition to abortion and success in war. By contrast, over the past generation the Democrats have consistently alienated this group, to their detriment.

The Democrats lost their affinity with the Scots-Irish during the civil rights era, when–because it was the dominant culture in the South–its "redneck" idiosyncrasies provided an easy target during their shift toward minorities as the foundation of their national electoral strategy. Their long-term problem in having done so is twofold. First, it hampers their efforts to carry almost any Southern state. And second, the Scots-Irish culture has strong impact outside the South. This is especially strong in many battleground states. It is no accident that many political observers call the central region in Pennsylvania "northern Alabama." Scots-Irish traditions play heavily in New Hampshire–the only New England state that Mr. Bush carried in 2000. Large numbers of Scots-Irish settled in the southern regions of Ohio (called "northern Kentucky"), Indiana and Illinois. They were among the principal groups to settle Missouri and Colorado. They migrated heavily to the industrial areas in Michigan, which is one reason that George Wallace, ran so strongly in that state in 1968 and 1972.

But other than with those who identify with the Christian right, it would be wrong to think that the Republicans have their firm loyalty. For every Lee Atwater or Karl Rove who understands the Scots-Irish, there are others who privately disdain them. And sometimes not so privately–the most vicious ethnic slur of the presidential campaign came from Charles Krauthammer, after Howard Dean suggested that the Democrats needed to reach out to the "guys with the Confederate flags on their pickup trucks." Mr. Krauthammer, who has never complained about this ethnic group when it has marched off to fight the wars he wishes upon us, wrote that Mr. Dean "wants the white trash vote . . . that’s clearly what he meant," and that he was pandering to "rebel-yelling racist rednecks."

As with other ethnic groups, those inside the culture know how to read such code words, and there may come a time when the right Democratic strategist knows how to counter them in the manner that Mr. Dean contemplated. John Edwards is at his visceral best when his campaign rhetoric seems directed at doing that.

The decline in public education and the outsourcing of jobs has hit this culture hard. Diversity programs designed to assist minorities have had an unequal impact on white ethnic groups and particularly this one, whose roots are in a poverty-stricken South. Their sons and daughters serve in large numbers in a war whose validity is increasingly coming into question. In fact, the greatest realignment in modern politics would take place rather quickly if the right national leader found a way to bring the Scots-Irish and African-Americans to the same table, and so to redefine a formula that has consciously set them apart for the past two centuries.

Mr. Webb, a former secretary of the Navy, is the author of "Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America," just published by Broadway.

Getting Well and Encouraging Vets to Run for Office

I am finally getting over this nasty stuff I have had.  I encourage other veterans who are thinking about running for office to go ahead and do it.  If you came home and do not know what to do with your life, get involved with your hometown politics.  You survived combat and therefore can handle anything.  We need you in the Senate, Congress and all the States levels from the hometowns to the Governors offices.  You can do it, brothers.  By getting involved we can bring the troops home in an orderly fashion and win and have a home to come to. 

Blessing from God

My sponsor in AA called me and told me he would give me a phone number at the meeting on Friday.  I always go to Friday morning meeting.  He gave me a number of another member who is leaving to go sailing and wants someone to live in his trailer.  I would move in and pay rent.  It is less than what I am paying now and I called him and visited it this evening and we set up a deal.  I am going to move in on April 1.  I will have to start to get rid of stuff and decide what I want to keep.  I probably just leave a lot of stuff behind like desk and chest of drawers, etc. bed.

That will be better for Wei.  I will take my frying pan and and leave the bowls and everything else behind.  Then I need to get new clothes for myself and a new job closer to home.  I am looking forward to having my own place.  It has been fun, but I need the privacy and be able to cook for myself.  I may want to get a work out machine.  God knows what I will do….I am excited.  The couch pulls out and if Robert wants to come down or Matt wants to, they can visit.   Looking good…Thanks God for the Blessing, Help me get back on track with the rest of my life…in Jesus Name I pray…

No Pneumonia

I went to the VA doctor today and after yelling at them when I thought I had an 11 o’clock appointment he finally saw me.  He listened to my chest told me I had a virus and to take over the counter meds and not to cough on him and that I had a nasty virus.  No shit. Like I did not know.  I wound up calling in sick again since I was so tired from not getting enough sleep last night.  I got my laundry done.  Pat and Wei stayed home, too.  The whole house is sick. It is time start some serious work on trying to get better.


I am really bad sick.   I went to work and made a bank deposit and it was raining a fine misty rain.  I got slightly wet.  I am sicker now than I was.  The VA doctor sent to Bay Pines to get a chest X-Ray.  I was done shortly after 10 AM.  The other guys were waiting for their meds all the way until after 1:30 PM.  By the time the driver dropped them off and got back on I 75  the traffic was backed up for some reason.  It was 3:45 PM before I got home.   I had looked at my schedule and thought that I did not go in until 6:15 PM when actually, it was 4:45.  I took a nap, changed clothes, went to Walgreen’s and then went to work.  I was late getting there.  I now have an appointment with the VA Doctor on Tuesday at 11 AM.  I still do not know whether I have Pneumonia or not.   All I know is that when I try to sleep I cough all night and my ears are clogged and sore and I keep coughing.

John McCain for President

I just finished reading a post by Oliver North with his backing and support for John McCain for President.  It’s like this if Oliver North says we need John McCain for President, because I have read Oliver North’s books and the the integrity of Oliver North, I will support John McCain.  I will leaning that way so far… That just clenched it…

Am Sick

I finally got sick with a chest cold of some kind.  The weather has been changing and someone came into Radio Shack  coughing and sputtering.  The next thing I know, Ray and I both are sneezing and coughing and both sick.  I am really sick.  I am eating chicken soup and sleeping.  I really do not feel well. It is not Campbells Chicken Soup and has onion in it.  I am going to suffer now.

Getting ready to go to bed.


I start playing video games and then I stay up all night playing them.  I get bored,  then I am collecting soft pornography and I am getting bored.  I really do not want to drink again.  Watching my roommate and his friend drink beer is boring.  I am not sure what I want to do with my life at 62.  I am not sure what I want to do.  I have shaved off my beard because someone called me that grumpy old man.